About the Employee Volunteer Impact Program
What is it, and who benefits?
Sign-up Process
It's a type of paid leave that enables eligible employees to devote their time to serving the community through an approved nonprofit organization, program, or event.
In essence, an employee can volunteer during the workday and still get paid, and ultimately, participating benefits the employee and the community.
To view the sign-up process, click here
or click to enlarge the workflow image.
Who is eligible and how many hours can we serve?
Full-time employees, 40+ hours per week
Volunteer Leave Allowance: 24 hours per calendar year
Three-quarter-time employees, 32-39 hours per week
Volunteer Leave Allowance: 18 hours per calendar year
Half-time employees, 20-31 hours per week
Volunteer Leave Allowance: 12 hours per calendar year
What are Volunteer Leave Allowance Hours and conditional use?
Volunteer Leave Allowance (VLA) hours represent the total hours allocated per calendar year that an employee use to volunteer during the workday under the following conditions:
Unused hours don't rollover, aren't paid out for any reason, and expire at midnight Dec. 31, annually.
Vacation, sick time, or other forms of paid-time accrual does not apply.
VLA must be taken in .25-hour increments; one (1) hour minimum.
VLA availability is not guaranteed, and participation is subject to the conditions of this policy.
VLA is not considered time worked for the purposes of calculating overtime and is paid at the employees’ regular rate of pay.
What are Employee Conditions and Participation Requirements:
​Employee must be an active regular employee who is currently employed for at least twelve (12) consecutive months.
Employee must be meeting (and continue to meet) all City, department, and/or division attendance and performance standards.
Employee must sign a program waiver/release and provide any other documentation the Program Administrator requires or requests.
Employee must obtain approval for each activity from their immediate supervisor and can only use VTO during their normal work schedule.
Employee must submit each request no less than two weeks in advance so their supervisor will have time to plan accordingly, as needed.
Employee must understand that VTO is voluntary, and they will be expected to participate in compliance with the Ethics policy #10.00.
Employee must understand they’ll not be working within the scope of their job and cannot volunteer to perform services or duties similar to their scope of work.
Employee cannot volunteer for a department or division in which they’re currently employed.
Employee cannot participate concurrently with any other leave benefits or while on unpaid leave.
Employee must not have any active disciplinary action of any kind, including a Managed Action Plan, or have had any action for a period of not less than six (6) months before participation. This condition can be extended to as long as twelve (12) months at the discretion of an immediate supervisor.
Employees can use personal tools, equipment, or supplies while volunteering, however the City will not be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal items. Use of City of Denton tools, equipment, or supplies is prohibited.